Stop Your Personal Information from Being Exposed to Everyone - Make no mistake about it - ANYONE can access all your information.

Stop Your Personal Information from Being Exposed to Everyone


Stop Your Personal Information from Being Exposed to Everyone

This article applies to everyone, with or without ADHD

Make no mistake—anyone can access your personal information if they're willing to pay for it.

For adults with ADHD, life is already more challenging than it needs to be, and the lack of privacy protection only adds to the burden. It’s incredibly frustrating that my personal details are so easily accessible, with little to no safeguards in place. Strangers, acquaintances, even people I know can dig into my personal information—everything except my Social Security number—with just a small payment. It's no wonder identity theft is so prevalent; we’re practically giving away our personal information for as little as $1.

What’s even more alarming is that all a hacker needs to commit identity theft is your Social Security number. This raises serious concerns about privacy and security, yet somehow, this practice remains legal. It’s baffling that as a society, we haven’t collectively stood up to declare, “This is a violation of our rights and privacy!” In a world where information is power, the fact that we’re so vulnerable is disturbing. Even more troubling is that this vulnerability has become normalized. This isn’t just a personal issue—it’s a systemic problem that urgently needs attention and change. We should be advocating for stronger privacy protections and demanding the right to control our own information.

I feel it’s especially important to share this information with fellow adults with ADHD because, in essence, it's like having a GPS tracker on your every move. These background checks don't just expose your information; they also allow people to dig into anyone you’ve been associated with—family, spouses, children, in-laws, cousins—anyone they can find.

Here’s some crucial information I’ve found that can help stop and prevent this ongoing issue. Keep in mind, this is only one step in a larger process.

What is LexisNexis and What Does It Do?

LexisNexis is a service that collects billions of publicly available records and makes them accessible to anyone willing to pay. From a privacy standpoint, what's especially concerning is its proprietary LexID system, which can reveal connections between people and places, even if those connections aren’t officially documented anywhere. Whether or not this algorithm is 100 percent accurate (which is highly unlikely), it still represents a major intrusion into your privacy, giving complete strangers in-depth knowledge about your life, financial situation, and routine.

Link to opt out

To make matters worse, LexisNexis operates on an opt-out system, meaning your information is automatically shared unless you explicitly tell them not to. Below, you’ll find instructions on how to remove your details from LexisNexis once and for all. It’s more difficult than you might think, but it’s possible—and something we strongly recommend doing.

Opting Out of LexisNexis

Please note that opting out of LexisNexis won’t automatically remove your profile from other people search sites. You have two options: either contact each site individually and request the removal of your information, or use a data-removal tool to automate the process

  • Incogni: Low-cost service that sends automated takedown requests to several major people search sites. Very easy to use. Works in Europe and North America.
  • DeleteMe: Comprehensive protection for the whole family. Offers live chat and lets users request a takedown if their information is on a site that’s not covered automatically
  • PrivacyBee: A US-only service that cites state-specific laws to better tailor your data-removal requests. Slightly more expensive but supports over 300 data brokers.

This is the message you receive after you opt out from LexisNexis

LexisNexis Opt-Out Form

Thank you for your interest in the LexisNexis information suppression program. Your request to have information suppressed from publicly facing public records products has been received and is in process. Please note that it may take up to 30 days to suppress your information from LexisNexis products and services.

Please note that your information will remain in the following products and services: restricted public records products which are available to commercial and government entities that meet LexisNexis credentialing requirements and are used to detect and prevent fraud, enforce transactions, perform due diligence, and other critical business and government functions; products regulated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act; third party data available through real time gateways; news; and legal documents.

This suppression request does not expire, and LexisNexis will attempt to suppress all of the information available based on the information you provided in your request. Due to the variations in personal information contained in public records, or insufficient or inaccurate information provided in a request, it is possible that personal information about you may be reintroduced to LexisNexis products in the future. If you become aware that your personal information is available through LexisNexis publicly facing products in the future, please notify the LexisNexis Privacy Hotline and the issue will be investigated so that we may take appropriate action.

Should you have any questions regarding this confirmation notice, please contact the LexisNexis Privacy Hotline at 1-800-831-2578

 Here is a tool that searches for your name


Data brokers we found you on expose the following details on people, if exist. Remove them now

Over 400 people's data points are available in data broker databases. The websites we found you on may expose the following details.


Use our opt-out guides to do it yourself.
However, the process is not easy. Data brokers intentionally make their removals tricky and fill them with many confusing steps. Be prepared to take and repeat the opt-out steps as data brokers are not "super efficient." Also, make sure you re-check each data broker every few months to re-remove your reappeared data.

Option 2


Been Verified opt out 

Opt out People Finder

Coming soon

I have a list of every credit reporting agency outside the top three - these companies keep track of different types of credit that report to the top three.

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