Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD), Two Examples in Relationships

This is What ADHD RSD Looks Like in a Relationship


Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD), Two Examples in Relationships

Today, I'm trying a different approach when talking about RSD. I want people to have a better understanding of what RSD looks like in a relationship, to do that I have wrote two separate stories showing how RSD shows up and why. 

In the deep layers of human emotions, there exist hidden realms of struggle and resilience, where the complexities of neurodiversity intersect with the trials of personal relationships and self-discovery. Two stories emerge, each weaving a narrative of love, loss, and the relentless pursuit of understanding.



These stories delve into the lives of individuals grappling with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD), shedding light on the challenges they face and the resilience they exhibit in the face of adversity.

Through the lens of romantic relationships and friendships, these stories explore the nuanced dynamics of ADHD and RSD, illustrating how these conditions manifest in impulsive behavior, emotional dysregulation, and heightened sensitivity to rejection and criticism. They delve into the complexities of communication barriers, emotional withdrawal, and the cyclical patterns of interaction that often characterize relationships affected by ADHD and RSD.

Yet, despite the struggles and setbacks, these stories also reveal moments of hope, growth, and healing. They emphasize the importance of seeking help, building support networks, and fostering empathy and understanding in navigating the turbulent waters of neurodiversity.

Through the journeys of their protagonists, these stories aim to foster greater awareness and compassion for individuals living with ADHD and RSD. They invite readers to explore the depths of human emotion and resilience, and to recognize the beauty and strength that can emerge from even the darkest of struggles.

Ultimately, these stories serve as a reminder that within every challenge lies an opportunity for growth, and within every heartache lies the seeds of resilience. They invite readers to embark on a journey of empathy and understanding, where the complexities of neurodiversity are met with compassion and acceptance, and where love and connection transcend the barriers of the mind.

Chapter 1: Unseen Storms - ADHD RSD Two Examples in Relationships (1 of 2)

High school was supposed to be a time of laughter, friendship, and first loves. For Amelia, however, it was a battlefield strewn with the wreckage of her own emotions. From the outside, she seemed like any other teenage girl, with a smile that could light up a room and a heart full of dreams. But beneath her cheerful facade lurked a storm that threatened to engulf her at any moment.

It was during sophomore year that she met Tyler, the charming boy with a crooked smile and a mischievous glint in his eye. From the moment their eyes met across the crowded hallway, Amelia felt a spark ignite within her. Their relationship blossomed quickly, fueled by stolen glances, whispered secrets, and stolen moments of intimacy.

But as their love deepened, so too did Amelia's inner turmoil. Born with ADHD, her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions that she struggled to control. The smallest slights from Tyler, the briefest moments of neglect, sent shockwaves through her fragile psyche, leaving her gasping for air in their wake.

Nights were the worst for Amelia. Alone in her room, she wrestled with her demons, tears staining her pillow as she grappled with the overwhelming tide of emotions that threatened to drown her. She longed to confide in Tyler, to share the burden of her pain, but the words caught in her throat, suffocated by fear and insecurity.

As the months passed, Amelia's struggles only intensified. She became increasingly jealous and possessive, unable to bear the thought of Tyler spending time with anyone but her. Her moods swung wildly from euphoria to despair, leaving Tyler bewildered and helpless in the face of her emotional onslaught.

Yet, despite her inner turmoil, Amelia soldiered on, determined to keep her pain hidden from the world. She plastered on a smile and laughed with her friends, all the while feeling like a fraud beneath the surface. She longed for someone to see through her facade, to reach out and offer a hand to pull her from the depths of her despair.

But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Amelia's silent struggle continued unabated. And as she stood on the precipice of adulthood, she knew that the storm within her was far from over. For Amelia, the journey was just beginning, and the road ahead was fraught with uncertainty and fear. But she refused to give up hope, clinging to the belief that one day, she would find the peace and solace she so desperately sought.


Chapter 2: Tempestuous Tides

As the seasons changed and the school year rolled on, Amelia's inner turmoil continued to brew beneath the surface, threatening to erupt at any moment. Despite her best efforts to maintain a facade of normalcy, cracks began to form in her carefully constructed mask.

Tyler, oblivious to the storm raging within Amelia, remained by her side, his affection unwavering even in the face of her unpredictable mood swings. Yet, with each passing day, the strain on their relationship grew more apparent, like fissures spreading across fragile ice.

Amelia's emotions became increasingly turbulent, her mind a tempest of conflicting thoughts and feelings. She struggled to articulate the turmoil churning within her, the words catching in her throat like a knot she couldn't unravel. Nights were the hardest, the darkness amplifying her fears and insecurities until they threatened to overwhelm her entirely.

Her jealousy, once a minor annoyance, now consumed her, gnawing at her insides like a relentless beast. Every glance Tyler exchanged with another girl, every moment of laughter shared with someone else, sent waves of panic crashing over her fragile psyche. She knew her reactions were irrational, but she couldn't seem to stop the flood of emotions that threatened to drown her.

Amelia tried to confide in Tyler, to share the burden of her pain, but the words came out all wrong, twisted by fear and shame. She feared his rejection, feared that he would see her as weak or broken, and so she suffered in silence, tears staining her pillow night after night.

Meanwhile, Tyler struggled to understand the sudden shifts in Amelia's mood, the tidal waves of emotion that seemed to come out of nowhere. He tried to reassure her, to comfort her, but his efforts seemed to only exacerbate the situation, like trying to douse a fire with gasoline.

Their once blissful relationship began to strain under the weight of Amelia's emotional turmoil. Arguments became more frequent, misunderstandings more common, until it felt like they were constantly walking on eggshells around each other.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a flicker of hope remained. Deep down, both Amelia and Tyler knew that their love was worth fighting for, that beneath the stormy surface lay a bond stronger than any tempest. And so, they clung to each other, weathering the turbulent tides of adolescence together, determined to emerge stronger on the other side

Chapter 3: The Burden of Rejection

As the weeks turned into months, Amelia's struggle with rejection sensitivity dysphoria (RSD) intensified, casting a shadow over her every interaction with Tyler. The smallest signs of perceived neglect or indifference sent shockwaves through her fragile psyche, leaving her feeling raw and exposed.

Each moment of jealousy, each pang of insecurity, became like weights dragging her deeper into the abyss of her own emotions. She longed for Tyler's attention, his affection, his reassurance, but it always seemed just out of reach, like a tantalizing mirage on the horizon.

Nights became battlegrounds where Amelia waged war against her own thoughts, her mind a cacophony of fears and doubts that threatened to consume her. She cried herself to sleep more often than not, tears of frustration and despair staining her pillow as she grappled with the overwhelming tide of emotions that threatened to drown her.

Yet, despite her inner turmoil, Amelia soldiered on, her facade of strength masking the storm raging within her. She plastered on a smile and laughed with her friends, all the while feeling like a fraud beneath the surface. She longed for someone to see through her facade, to reach out and offer a lifeline in her darkest hour.

Meanwhile, Tyler struggled to understand the ever-shifting landscape of Amelia's emotions, the constant barrage of highs and lows that seemed to have no rhyme or reason. He tried to be there for her, to provide the support and comfort she so desperately needed, but it often felt like trying to hold onto sand slipping through his fingers.

Their relationship became a delicate dance of push and pull, with each step forward met by two steps back. Amelia's fear of rejection pushed her to cling ever tighter to Tyler, while his attempts at reassurance only seemed to fuel her insecurities further.

As the cycle of rejection and longing continued unabated, both Amelia and Tyler felt themselves being pulled further apart, like ships adrift in a stormy sea. And yet, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, a glimmer of hope remained, a beacon of light guiding them through the darkness towards calmer shores. But whether they would reach those shores together or be swallowed by the turbulent waves remained to be seen.

Chapter 4

As the tumultuous currents of their relationship grew stronger, Tyler found himself retreating into solitude, seeking refuge from the storm that raged between him and Amelia. His avoidance was not born out of indifference or lack of love, but rather a desperate need for respite from the relentless onslaught of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him.

Tyler's mind, like a ship battered by relentless waves, struggled to find solid ground amidst the chaos. He longed for moments of clarity, for a respite from the constant barrage of Amelia's emotional turmoil. Yet, no matter how far he retreated, the storm always seemed to follow, looming on the horizon like a dark cloud.

His avoidance, fueled by a fear of confrontation and emotional flooding, only served to exacerbate Amelia's insecurities, leaving her feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty and doubt. She longed for his presence, for his reassurance, but found herself met with walls of emotional detachment instead.

Their once vibrant relationship began to fray at the edges, the cracks widening with each passing day. Arguments became more frequent, misunderstandings more common, until it felt like they were speaking different languages, unable to bridge the growing divide between them.

Yet, despite his withdrawal, Tyler still loved Amelia with all his heart. He yearned to find a way back to her, to navigate the treacherous waters of their relationship and emerge stronger on the other side. But the fear of drowning in her emotional turmoil held him back, like an anchor dragging him down into the depths.

As the distance between them grew, Tyler found himself grappling with feelings of guilt and inadequacy, wondering if he was failing Amelia by retreating into solitude. He wanted to be there for her, to provide the support and comfort she so desperately needed, but it felt like trying to hold onto smoke slipping through his fingers.

And so, Tyler retreated further into himself, seeking solace in the silence of his own thoughts. He knew that he needed to find a way to navigate the stormy seas of their relationship, but for now, all he could do was weather the tempest and hope for calmer waters ahead.

As the distance between Amelia and Tyler grew, the tension between them reached a breaking point. Amelia, desperate for connection, reached out to Tyler with trembling hands, hoping to bridge the growing chasm between them. Yet, her attempts at intimacy were met with walls of emotional detachment, leaving her feeling more alone than ever before.

Tyler, grappling with his own inner turmoil, recoiled from Amelia's advances, seeking refuge in solitude and silence. He longed for moments of peace amidst the chaos of their relationship, but found himself drowning in a sea of uncertainty and doubt.

Their interactions became like a game of emotional chess, with each move met by countermove, each word laden with hidden meanings. Amelia's desperation for connection clashed with Tyler's need for distance, creating a whirlwind of conflicting emotions that threatened to tear them apart.

Arguments became more frequent, misunderstandings more common, until it felt like they were speaking different languages, unable to understand each other's pain. Amelia, longing for reassurance and comfort, found herself met with silence and indifference instead, leaving her feeling adrift in a sea of loneliness and despair.

Yet, amidst the chaos and confusion, a glimmer of hope remained. Deep down, both Amelia and Tyler knew that their love was worth fighting for, that beneath the surface of their turbulent emotions lay a bond stronger than any storm.

But whether they could weather the tempest and emerge stronger on the other side remained to be seen. For now, all they could do was hold onto each other amidst the chaos, clinging to the hope that love would be enough to guide them through the darkness and into the light.

 ADHD RSD Two Examples in Relationships (1 of 2)

Amidst the turmoil of their strained relationship, Amelia and Tyler embarked on a journey of self-discovery, each grappling with their own inner demons in search of understanding and resolution.

Recognizing the need for change, they turned to therapy and introspection, bravely confronting the tangled web of their emotions. Amelia delved deep into the labyrinth of her mind, untangling the knots of fear and insecurity that had long held her captive. Tyler, too, confronted his own inner turmoil, peeling back the layers of emotional armor he had built up over the years.

Together, they faced their fears and insecurities head-on, shedding light on the shadows that had long haunted their relationship. They learned to communicate openly and honestly, sharing their deepest hopes and fears without reservation.

As the weeks turned into months, Amelia and Tyler began to see glimmers of progress amidst the chaos. They found solace in each other's arms, drawing strength from their shared journey of self-discovery.

Yet, the road ahead was not without its challenges. Old habits died hard, and the scars of past wounds ran deep. But with each step forward, Amelia and Tyler grew stronger, their bond forged in the fires of adversity.

And as they looked toward the horizon, they knew that their journey was far from over. But together, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in their commitment to love and support each other through thick and thin.


Chapter 7: A Renewed Connection

As Amelia and Tyler continued their journey of self-discovery, they began to notice subtle shifts in their relationship. The walls that had once divided them began to crumble, replaced by a newfound sense of understanding and empathy.

Through open communication and mutual support, they learned to navigate the intricacies of their relationship with compassion and grace. No longer bound by the chains of their past, they embraced the present with renewed hope and optimism.

Their interactions became filled with laughter and lightness, the weight of their previous struggles lifting from their shoulders like a heavy burden. They shared their dreams and aspirations, building a future together filled with love and possibility.

Yet, amidst the joy and laughter, they remained vigilant, knowing that their journey was far from over. Old habits died hard, and the scars of past wounds lingered just beneath the surface.

But as they faced each new challenge together, they did so with a newfound sense of strength and resilience. They knew that their love was worth fighting for, and that together, they could weather any storm that came their way.

And so, hand in hand, they walked into the future, their hearts filled with hope and their souls intertwined in a bond that was stronger than any obstacle. For Amelia and Tyler, the journey was just beginning, but with love as their guide, they knew that anything was possible.

 ADHD RSD Two Examples in Relationships (1 of 2)

In the gentle embrace of a summer evening, Amelia and Tyler found themselves immersed in a moment of quiet reflection. As they sat together beneath the stars, they realized that their journey had not been one of perfection, but rather one of acceptance and growth.

They had weathered storms that had threatened to tear them apart, battled demons that had threatened to consume them whole. Yet, through it all, they had emerged stronger and more resilient than ever before.

They had learned to embrace the imperfections that made them who they were, to love each other not in spite of their flaws, but because of them. For it was in their imperfections that they found beauty, in their struggles that they found strength.

As they looked back on their journey, they realized that every trial and tribulation had brought them closer together, had forged a bond that was unbreakable. They had laughed together, cried together, grown together, and in the process, had become more deeply connected than they ever thought possible.

And so, as they gazed up at the twinkling stars above, they made a silent vow to cherish each moment, to savor each memory, knowing that their love was a gift to be treasured for all eternity.

For Amelia and Tyler, the journey was not always easy, but it was always worth it. And as they held each other in the warm embrace of the summer night, they knew that they were exactly where they were meant to be: together, imperfectly perfect, and infinitely in love.

Chapter 9: A New Beginning

As the sun rose on a crisp autumn morning, Amelia and Tyler found themselves standing at the threshold of a new beginning. The trials and tribulations of their journey had brought them to this moment, where they stood hand in hand, ready to face whatever the future held.

They had weathered storms that had threatened to tear them apart, battled demons that had threatened to consume them whole. Yet, through it all, their love had remained steadfast, a beacon of hope guiding them through the darkest of times.

As they looked out at the world spread out before them, they knew that the road ahead would not always be easy. There would be challenges to overcome, obstacles to surmount, but they faced the future with a sense of optimism and determination.

For they knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything. They had learned to lean on each other in times of need, to lift each other up when they stumbled, and to celebrate each victory, no matter how small.

And so, hand in hand, they stepped forward into the unknown, their hearts filled with hope and their souls intertwined in a bond that was stronger than any obstacle. For Amelia and Tyler, the journey was far from over, but as they faced the future together, they knew that their love would light the way, guiding them through whatever challenges lay ahead.


Chapter 1: A Chance Encounter  

ADHD RSD Two Examples in Relationships (2 of 2)

In the bustling streets of a vibrant city, two souls collided in a serendipitous encounter. Mia, a free-spirited artist with a penchant for adventure, crossed paths with Ethan, a reserved writer with a heart full of stories waiting to be told.

Their meeting was like a collision of worlds, two vastly different personalities drawn together by an invisible thread of fate. Mia, with her infectious laughter and zest for life, brought color to Ethan's monochrome world, while Ethan, with his quiet strength and introspective nature, grounded Mia in moments of chaos.

Despite their differences, they found solace in each other's company, their conversations flowing effortlessly like water cascading down a gentle stream. With each passing day, they discovered new facets of themselves reflected in the other, forging a connection that felt both familiar and exhilaratingly new.

Little did they know, their journey together would be filled with unexpected twists and turns, testing the strength of their bond in ways they never imagined possible. But for now, in the glow of their burgeoning friendship, they reveled in the simple joy of each other's presence, unaware of the challenges that lay ahead.

And so, as they embarked on their journey together, they did so with hearts open and spirits ablaze, ready to face whatever the future held, hand in hand. For Mia and Ethan, the adventure was just beginning, and they couldn't wait to see where it would take them.

Chapter 2: Unveiling Shadows

As Mia and Ethan delved deeper into their friendship, they began to uncover the shadows that lingered beneath the surface of their seemingly idyllic lives. For Mia, it was the lingering scars of a past filled with uncertainty and loss, while for Ethan, it was the weight of expectations and self-doubt that threatened to crush his spirit.

Their shared vulnerability brought them closer together, as they confided in each other with a raw honesty that was both liberating and terrifying. Mia, with her boundless empathy, listened as Ethan poured out his fears and insecurities, offering words of comfort and solace in return.

Yet, as they navigated the complexities of their own emotions, they found themselves confronted by the harsh realities of the world around them. Mia struggled to reconcile her carefree spirit with the responsibilities that weighed heavily on her shoulders, while Ethan grappled with the ghosts of his past, haunting him at every turn.

Their friendship became a lifeline amidst the chaos, a beacon of light guiding them through the darkness. Together, they faced their fears head-on, drawing strength from each other's unwavering support and understanding.

But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Mia and Ethan realized that their journey was far from over. The shadows that lurked in the corners of their minds refused to be ignored, demanding to be acknowledged and confronted.

And so, with courage in their hearts and determination in their eyes, Mia and Ethan set out to conquer their inner demons, knowing that together, they were stronger than any obstacle they might face. For Mia and Ethan, the road ahead was uncertain, but with each step they took together, they knew they were one step closer to finding the peace and happiness they so desperately sought.

Chapter 3: Navigating Stormy Seas

As Mia and Ethan continued to explore the depths of their friendship, they found themselves navigating through stormy seas of uncertainty and doubt. The challenges they faced tested the strength of their bond, threatening to pull them apart even as they fought to stay together.

For Mia, the pressures of her past weighed heavily on her shoulders, dragging her down into a sea of self-doubt and insecurity. She struggled to reconcile the carefree spirit that defined her with the responsibilities that now demanded her attention, feeling as though she was being pulled in a dozen different directions at once.

Meanwhile, Ethan found himself grappling with his own inner demons, the echoes of past traumas haunting him like ghosts in the night. He longed to break free from the chains that bound him, to find solace in the quiet depths of his own mind, but the shadows that lurked there refused to release their grip.

Together, Mia and Ethan faced the storm head-on, clinging to each other for support as they weathered the turbulent waves. They fought through moments of doubt and despair, their bond growing stronger with each passing day as they leaned on each other for strength and guidance.

But as the storm raged on, threatening to tear them apart, Mia and Ethan realized that they couldn't do it alone. They needed to reach out for help, to seek guidance from those who had weathered similar storms before them.

And so, with hearts full of determination and hope, Mia and Ethan set out to find the support they needed to navigate the stormy seas ahead. For Mia and Ethan, the journey was far from over, but with each other by their side, they knew they had the strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Chapter 4: Seeking Refuge

As the tempest of their inner turmoil raged on, Mia and Ethan sought refuge in the tranquility of nature, hoping to find solace amidst the chaos of their lives. Together, they embarked on a journey into the heart of the wilderness, seeking answers to the questions that haunted their souls.

Surrounded by the beauty of the natural world, Mia and Ethan found a sense of peace that had eluded them for so long. The rustling of leaves in the wind, the gentle trickle of a nearby stream – all served as a soothing balm for their weary spirits.

In the quiet stillness of the forest, Mia and Ethan opened their hearts to each other, sharing their deepest fears and insecurities without reservation. They spoke of their dreams and aspirations, of the struggles that had shaped them into the people they had become.

As they hiked through the rugged terrain, Mia and Ethan found themselves confronting the demons that had long lurked in the shadows of their minds. With each step they took, they felt a weight lifting from their shoulders, a sense of freedom and liberation washing over them like a cleansing tide.

Together, they forged a path forward, guided by the light of their shared journey and the strength of their unbreakable bond. And as they emerged from the wilderness, they knew that they were not alone – that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, hand in hand, hearts ablaze with the fire of hope and determination.

Chapter 5: The Healing Journey

ADHD RSD Two Examples in Relationships (2 of 2)

With the echoes of nature still resonating in their souls, Mia and Ethan embarked on a journey of healing, determined to confront their inner demons head-on and emerge stronger on the other side.

They sought out therapists and counselors, eager to unravel the tangled knots of their past traumas and find a path towards healing and wholeness. Together, they delved into the depths of their psyches, unearthing buried memories and facing the shadows that had long haunted them.

In the safety of the therapist's office, Mia and Ethan poured out their hearts, shedding tears of pain and sorrow as they confronted the wounds of their past. They learned to embrace their vulnerabilities, to see them not as weaknesses, but as scars that bore witness to their resilience and strength.

Through the process of therapy, Mia and Ethan began to cultivate a newfound sense of self-awareness and self-compassion. They learned to challenge their negative thought patterns, replacing them with affirmations of self-worth and acceptance.

Outside of the therapist's office, Mia and Ethan continued to support each other on their healing journey. They practiced mindfulness and meditation together, grounding themselves in the present moment and finding peace amidst the chaos of their minds.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Mia and Ethan felt the heavy burden of their past begin to lift from their shoulders. They walked taller, with a newfound sense of confidence and purpose, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

And as they looked towards the future, Mia and Ethan knew that their healing journey was far from over. But with each step they took, they moved closer towards a place of wholeness and healing, guided by the light of their shared journey and the strength of their unbreakable bond.

The end

Both stories demonstrate the struggles associated with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and RSD (Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria), albeit in different contexts and circumstances.

In the first story, the characters of Amelia and Tyler illustrate the challenges faced by individuals with ADHD and RSD within the context of a romantic relationship. Their experiences highlight how ADHD can manifest in impulsivity, emotional dysregulation, and difficulty maintaining attention, while RSD exacerbates sensitivity to perceived rejection or criticism.

Amelia's impulsive behavior, emotional unpredictability, and intense reactions to perceived neglect or lack of attention from Tyler are indicative of ADHD symptoms. She struggles to regulate her emotions, often feeling overwhelmed by intense feelings of jealousy, insecurity, and sadness, which she hides from others while silently grappling with them internally.

On the other hand, Tyler demonstrates traits associated with RSD, such as fear of rejection, avoidance of confrontation, and emotional withdrawal. He finds it challenging to provide consistent emotional support and validation to Amelia, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts in their relationship.

The story underscores the cyclical nature of the DM/W (Demand/Withdraw) interaction pattern commonly observed in relationships affected by ADHD and RSD. Amelia's pursuit of emotional connection triggers Tyler's withdrawal, which, in turn, intensifies Amelia's fear of rejection and emotional instability. This vicious cycle perpetuates their struggles and creates communication barriers, making it difficult for them to address underlying issues effectively.

In the second story, Mia and Ethan's journey portrays the broader impact of ADHD and RSD on personal growth and self-discovery. Their friendship serves as a catalyst for introspection and resilience-building as they navigate through life's challenges together.

Mia's free-spirited nature and Ethan's introspective demeanor reflect the diverse ways in which individuals with ADHD and RSD cope with their internal struggles. Mia's impulsivity and desire for adventure contrast with Ethan's cautiousness and self-doubt, yet both characters share a common desire for understanding and connection.

Throughout their journey, Mia and Ethan confront their inner demons, seek professional help, and support each other in their healing process. They learn to embrace their vulnerabilities, challenge negative thought patterns, and cultivate self-awareness and self-compassion.

The story emphasizes the importance of seeking help and building a support network to cope with ADHD and RSD. Through therapy, mindfulness practices, and mutual support, Mia and Ethan find solace and strength in each other's company, ultimately embarking on a journey of healing and growth.

In summary, both stories shed light on the complex interplay between ADHD and RSD within the context of relationships and personal development. They underscore the challenges faced by individuals affected by these conditions and highlight the importance of empathy, understanding, and support in navigating life's ups and downs.

I hope i have shed some light on ADHD RSD by providing examples of how it can play out in relationships. 


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