I have listed below the real struggles of  ADHD, untreated ADHD.

Untreated ADHD Symptoms Unveiled: Real Struggles and Coping Mechanisms

I have listed below the real struggles of  ADHD, untreated ADHD. 
  • Emotional outbursts (anger, sadness, frustration)
  • Struggle to manage impulses
  • A focus on the immediate more than things in the future
  • Tend to have trouble prioritizing.
  • You may think more sporadically than linear.
  • Trouble starting a task at the beginning and focusing all the way until the end.
  • You have a bad memory, you can't tell stories, you tell facts.
  • You hate listening to long stories that have back stories. 
  • You work better with people who get to the point.
  • You have a weird system on how you remember things and how you do things. 
  • You hate other people's input on how you should be doing something.
  • You hate emotions
  • Have a history of drinking, drugs, serial dating, etc
  • Struggle to maintain relationships
  • You are a poor communicator
  • You can't express how you feel
  • People disappoint you 
  • Rejection is taken personally
  • You feel misunderstood
  • You make bad grades
  • You can stare at a book for hours without a single sentence entering your brain. 
  • You understand instructions when they're told, but once it's time to go you forget what is said.
  • You hate confrontations.
  • Fighting is emotionally draining for you.  
  • You don't have the ability to repeat back what happened during a fight. You don't remember word for word. 
  • You have to write everything down, digital planner don't work for you. 
I have listed below the real struggles of  ADHD, untreated ADHD


    • Struggle to keep the same job for a long period of time
    • People are unaware of how harsh you are on yourself
    • You don't forgive people who purposely hurt you.
    • You live in the clouds
    • You actually never mean any harm
    • Your emotions are 2 X's that of a normal person.
    • When you hurt you are devastated. 
    • People who play with your emotions can make you see red
    • Every emotion you have is real
    • emotions control you
    • Have felt like a failure at most of the things you do
    • Have wondered what is wrong with you and why you never seem to improve
    • Have frustrated a lot of people in your lifetime without meaning to.
    • You have a special charm you can turn on when you want to
    • You find humor in things
    • You have a different perspective about things.
    • After a lot of trail and error your intuitive side is born. You don't trust yourself for a long time. But you will start to slowly see how you were right about certain situations involving relationships & emotions.  You are rarely wrong. But you can't judge your own situation because your emotions are blocking you. 
    • You might be a thrill seeker, always going on “adventures” and never content with monotony.
    • Boredom leads you to jump from job to job
    • Boredom leads you to move around the country a lot or if you can afford it take the best vacations.
    • You might struggle to keep a strict routine.
    • Lose things daily or a couple of times a week.
    • Frequently late to things
    • You try to get out of job related social events. 
    • Have a hard time committing because you just don’t know how you’ll feel that day. Your mood dictates how you feel.  
    • You can come off irresponsible, lazy or childish because you are misunderstood.
    • You take what others see as dangerous risks
    • People have mentioned that you seem careless or inconsiderate at times. You have a difficult time with your emotions, this can cause you to stop feeling.
    • With age and experience you develop strong empathy towards people, almost too overwhelming you can feel their pain. 
    • You can focus on a task that really interests you for unending amounts of time but procrastinate on the tasks you may know are important but hold very little interest to you.
    • Forget appointments
    • Are “calendar challenged”
    • You’re great at taking life as it comes
    • Can’t stand being “bored”
    • Always on the go
    • Stay up late
    • Very creative
    • More ideas than you know how to execute
    • Drive fast, all the time
    • Insomnia is normal
    • Relationships & emotions stress you out
    • You can drink anyone under the table when it comes to coffee
    • Coffee rarely has an effect on you. 
    • Are very sensitive to what may sound like criticism
    • Possibly have a sensitivity to certain kinds of stimulation such as touch (t-shirt tags etc) or sounds (get very overwhelmed with too much sound happening at once) or smells (bad smells make you throw up)
    • Have been diagnosed with anxiety and/or depression at some point in your life. In reality ADHD can make the happiest person depressed. 
    • You are an entrepreneur at least in your head.
    • Have always felt like something was different about you
    • Feel misunderstood by a lot of society


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